Friday, August 7, 2009

First Week on the Job

Well, I survived, and truthfully, it was pretty painless (minus the stress I caused myself worrying for nothing and the lack of a computer and Internet access the first day, which made things drag). I got to start on a Wednesday (highlight No. 1) because of the lack of computer. Then I got to go home early that same day for the same reason. Sweet deal! Oh, and I got paid for two days when I was actually at home with K. Double sweet deal!

Day 1 started about 6:30 a.m. with Kensie yelling, “Mommy, I wake up! Mommmmmmmyyyyyyyy, I waaakkkke upppppp!” We got dressed, gathered the usual stuff for day care (lunch, snacks, juice, milk, BBs, babies, Bubba), and headed out. After dropping K off and before my first day on the job, I had a training session that I expected to last at least a couple of hours. As the Senior Content Director of my new company, I have to know the ins and outs of the chosen content-management system, and from my experience in CMSs, I knew it could get ugly. But after 15 minutes, I was out the door. Easy breezy!

So I headed to my first day on the job. When I walked into the Southern-style, two-story brick building where I would now spend much of my life, I heard crickets. No one was at the front desk. Not a soul in any of the offices. Conference room: empty. After canvassing the entire building, I found, in a small back-corner office on the top floor, a woman who looked at me like I had tentacles and suckers all over my body. After explaining that I did belong there, she graciously found my boss.

After much discussion about business with my new boss, we broke for lunch. The choice was not mine, but I have to say that The Olive Garden’s salads are fabulous (though I’m guessing not as low in fat as I’d like them to be). And the mints they give you as you leave—get out of here! After a little more chatting about business, I headed out three hours early to get Kensie. I was superexcited about spending a little extra time with her, and I got there so early that I had to wake her from her nap. But she was happy, as (almost) always, to see me.

Day 2 began just about the same way. Up early, got ready, took K, went to work. The differences being I had a computer, and I had a new coworker. I share an office with our Art Director (new coworker spoken of above), so it was important to me that we get along. I’ve been in situations before where there was friction among coworkers, and that makes work life hell. But my new coworker/office-space sharer seems very nice, and I’m happy with our situation. So again, we chit-chatted about work, performed a little work, then off to yet another free lunch. I could get used to this! (Just before lunch, I had to run K’s BB [blanket], which had been left in the car, to her daycare provider’s house, and I was back within five minutes, that’s how close it is. Pure bliss!) Only catch of Day 2 lunch: Cajun. Two things (well, probably more, but two in particular) that don’t sit well with me: spicy and from the sea (both of which are heavily involved in Cajun food). But I survived with a mere grilled chicken salad (the only “normal” thing on the menu) that didn’t taste like either, so it was all good.

After lunch, things got a bit slow, and since we had boxes with chairs but no put-together chairs to sit in (our desks will be installed this weekend, so we’ve been sitting in conference room chairs at folding tables), that’s exactly what we decided to do. I figure, the company’s small, very few employees, trying to build clientele and revenue, why not put together my own chair! (I now have a fabulous black leather chair in which I’m sitting at my folding table, one that I put together with my own two hands. Ah, heaven!) The day concluded with a few introductions, a few discussions, a little bit of work, and finally, home. Oh yes, HGTV!

Day 3: No free lunch today. Bummer! But I enjoyed my Lean Cuisine Chicken and Garlic pizza just fine, and I really got on a roll as far as work. I learned a lot and got a lot done. What can I say, I’m happy with where I am right now, both in my job and in my life. So there are things I really strive for daily that seem just out of reach. It’s OK; I’ll get there. Things happen for a reason, and I guess I’m supposed to stay in my hometown a little longer than expected. It’s comfortable and stable, and I remember a little more than two years ago praying daily for just that in my life. I got my wish then, so I figure my other wishes will come true in their own time. Right now, I can wait.