Before that day a few months ago, I never knew it existed. And really, not yet owning my own home, why should I care? But from the moment I turned it on, I have been hooked on this TV channel dedicated to decorating, home improvement, landscaping, organization, real estate—whatever topic you can imagine that has to do with owning or renting a home.
House Hunters, House Hunters International, My First Place, For Rent, The Unsellables, Property Virgins, Income Property, Bang for Your Buck, Curb Appeal, Real Estate Intervention. People young and old are purchasing first homes and vacation homes, downsizing and upsizing homes, remodeling and renovating homes, recreating outdoor spaces, having their homes analyzed by professionals. They’re making "life-changing" decisions about pricing, décor, pools, yards, countertops, garages, carpet vs. wood, city vs. rural life—you name it. It’s simply fascinating! I could (and have) sit for hours watching these shows, and yet I have absolutely no reason to be so into them. I don’t own my own home now, nor do I foresee owning my own home anytime in the near future. Hell, I’m living with my mom! Yet every evening, I put K to bed, pour my glass of wine, sit on the couch in front of the TV, and become entranced by HGTV.
For those of you who haven’t checked it out, do it! You’ll learn a lot about yourself from the decisions you make compared with those of the actual people. I’m not living vicariously through anyone! I’m simply enjoying some casual television every now and then focused on a topic about which I should have no interest in whatsoever! Oh, and one more thing, I haven’t missed an episode of Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood in months. That Candy Spelling—what’s her deal!
Don’t worry: I’m now employed, have survived my first day at the new job, and am aware that time will again become scarce. I’m sure I won’t be sitting on the couch in three hours eagerly anticipating a new episode of House Hunters!
Ooh, I love Tori and Dean. Screw Candy! I enjoyed your blog, as usual!
House Hunters International made me realize that my place in Dakar was actually quite nice by international standards. It changed my whole perception!
I found your blog through Jason's Place. I haven't been on there much but was glad I jumped on today and saw your post.
Great blog! I was once a single mommy (since my son was born too with no involvement from his sperm donor) but 6 years after Riley was born I met the man of my dreams...I hope the same (or something similar) holds true for you.
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